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Blond Shellac Flakes, Sun Extra Bright, Free of Resin & Wax, Varnish, Natural Primer, Sanding Sealant, Stain-blocking Primer

Noris Blatt Gold Fabrik Brand

In stock

  • De-waxed Shellac
  • Dry flakes shellac
  • Blond/Sun Extra Bright
  • Made in Germany


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  • Worldwide: within 15 days.
Returns: we accept 7-day returns, excluding genuine gold and silver products. Conditions Apply.

Blond Shellak in flakes (de-waxed), sun extra bright, and resin-free. They are used on metal leafs to protect them from stains and oxidization.

Gilders use Blond Shellac on top of the gesso (gesso is a mixture of Rabbit Skin Glue and Whiting) before applying the gilding size to prevent the gilding size from mixing with the gesso. They also use Shellac directly on the applied metal leaf with various techniques, preserving it from possible subsequent oxidations. Shellac is a classic sealer for artists who want to finish off their artwork to a professional level.

  • Blond shellac is the perfect sealer for protecting artwork.
  • A brush, sponge, or pad can be used to apply Shellac.
  • It is non-toxic as is.
  • Shellac is only usable indoors.

To dissolve Blond Shellac:

  1. Add 100g of it to 1 litre of ethanol (ethyl alcohol) or methylated spirit in a glass jar.
  2. Seal the jar well and place it in a warm spot.
  3. Shake the jar several times to accelerate the dissolution process. Once the Shellac has completely dissolved, it is ready for use.
  4. Remember to keep it sealed.

The light transparent layer is particularly resistant to scratches and gives final protection to the product. Shellac is a resinous substance secreted by an insect – the enamel shield louse. It accumulates on the branches of trees. Found mainly in south and southeast Asia, particularly in India and Thailand, Shellac was manufactured formerly in large quantities. The annual output amounted to about 50,000 tons. One needs about 300,000 enamel shield lice to harvest a kilogram of Shellac. For the gilder, Shellac is mainly used as a protective coating. The use of Shellac is restricted to the painting technique.



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