Edible Gold Leaf For Cake Decoration Buy at Gold Leaf NZ

Our edible gold flakes are made from 24k genuine gold leaf certified by the EU and the US as edible and suitable for consumption (= food colouring # E175), and edible silver (= colouring # E174) is an additive for chocolates, liqueurs, sweets and pastries. Honey, chocolates and cake manufacturers buy these flakes to add a luxury touch to their products. Flake size 1 is almost powder, size two about 1-2mm, size three about 3-5mm, and size 0 is the largest, about 2-5cm. Mixed flakes are a combination of 1,2 and 3. All the flakes are irregular shapes.

All our gold flakes and leaf contain no chemicals, no vegetal extracts, no anti-oxidants, no bio-additives, no preservatives, and no chelating agents.

24K or 23K? When the flakes are size 1 and 2, they tend to stick together during the manufacturing process because gold is soft. To avoid that problem, gold flakes manufacturers add 1% silver to give the gold flakes some strength so that they do not stick together.

View our Edible Gold Inspiration here.

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