Kölner Archicoll 3D Gel Gilding Size

How to use Kölner Archicoll Gilding Gel

Kölner Archicoll is a revolutionary adhesive for gold leaf interior projects that works as a stucco material. Use real gold leaf on the wall; the endless possibilities give a luxurious final finish.


Archicoll works perfectly on Concrete, Stone, Plaster, Microcement, Betoncire, Stucdeco, Crustal and other decorative plasters. It can be applied with a trowel, putty knife, brushes, or other deco tools.

Archicoll is also an excellent product for artists; apply gold leaf to a canvas as if it were pasty paint with texture. Endless possibilities. Apply thick or thin and work with a brush or palette knife. You can, as it were, draw in it. The colourless product looks like a gel and can be easily applied. When the Archicoll is dry, the gold leaf (loose or transfer) can be applied, pressed and polished gently with the Kolner Instacoll tissue. If the surface is rough, the Instacoll tool can also press the gold leaf properly.
Stencils can also be used to create beautiful effects as if the gold had been applied in 3D. Remove the stencil when the Archicoll has dried slightly.

Once the Archicoll is dry, paste aluminium leaf, copperleaf, imitation gold leaf, and Dutch metal within 12 hours. (Metal leaf is thicker than gold leaf, so it must be applied sooner if it has a greater adhesive force.) Applying genuine gold leaf within 72 hours works best. You can also wait longer. If the Archicoll has become too dry and the gold leaf no longer sticks, the Archicoll can be activated with warm air, for example, from a hairdryer. This activation can take up to at least 5 days after application.

Tip: Make special effects like a Kintsugi Wall.

Drying time before gilding The drying time is approximately 4 hours, but with very pasty layers, it can take up to 24 hours.
Therefore, always make a test.

Buy Kölner Archicoll Gilding Adhesive

